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Goal Setting

It's almost 2023!! You know what that means: time for New Year's Resolutions (although this info packet is helpful for goal setting at any time of year).

We've all heard the most common ones: save money, lose weight, get your life together, etc. But when people set these kinds of goals, do they successfully carry them out? Usually not.

Carna to the rescue! In this info packet, we'll delve into how to make SMART goals and actually achieve them.

So what are SMART goals, exactly?

Specific goals should be clear and should include details such as who, what, where, when, and why.

ex. One of my goals this year is to read 1 book per month. I've already started a reading list (including Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, Sapiens, and a book in French).

Measurable goals should be quantifiable so you can measure progress and determine when the goal is reached.

ex. This is measurable- I should finish reading 1 book every month.

Achievable goals should be realistic and attainable, but they should also challenge you to think outside the box.

ex. This is achievable- as long as I'm purposeful about making time in my schedule to read, this is not an unreasonable goal.

Relevant goals should be important to you and should align with your overall values and goals.

ex. Reading is something I used to absolutely love but I've mostly stopped, so I want to get back into the habit of pursuing unrequired knowledge.

Time-bound goals should have a deadline and be attainable within a reasonable amount of time.

ex. This is inherently time-bound because there's a deadline each month for each book.

As another example, a smart goal could be to "increase sales by 10% within the next six months". This goal is specific (it states exactly what needs to be achieved), measurable (you can easily track the progress of the goal), achievable (it is reasonable to expect a 10% increase within six months), relevant (it is related to the company's desired outcome) and time-bound (it is set within a specific timeline).

Tip #1: Write it down!! When you write things down, it makes them more concrete. Even better if you can put it where you see it every day (ex. a post-it on your computer!). Telling other people about it gives you bonus points!! Having important people in our lives to keep us in check can be very helpful.

Tip #2: Break it down! Most goals aren't achievable in one easy step, otherwise, you would've already done it. Something is blocking you from doing it, and it's most likely your motivation. When you see the goal "read 12 books", that might seem like a LOT, and so your mind won't let you start because it seems too big a task. Or, you'll procrastinate and end up in December having not read anything yet because you kept putting it off until later. However, if you break it down into smaller pieces (one book a month, for example) it seems a lot more manageable and you're more likely to actually do it.

Tip #3: Implement rewards! If you create a positive association with doing your goal, you're more likely to keep doing it. If I decide that each time I finish a book, I'll go out to lunch with a friend or I'll get some ice cream, then I'll have the motivation to finish the book. If you're one for deadlines, as I am, you can even use the reward as a deadline: set up a lunch with a friend and tell them ahead of time: "I HAVE to finish this book before our lunch because that's the deal I made with myself. If I don't finish it by then, we'll have to reschedule until I finish". Because of how I know I work, I will have the book finished by then, no matter what it takes (I hate rescheduling plans, so I'd do anything to not have to do that).

Tip #4: Just do it ✓™. You need to start somewhere, and this is that place. Take the first step! Remember the way you broke your goal down in tip #2? Now you have to actually do it. Start the first book on your list, go to the gym one day, set up your art supplies for the painting you always wanted to do, whatever you want to do, DO IT. If you need help taking the first step, tell a friend about your goal and see if they could help. Going to the gym with you, helping set up materials, talking with you while you try to learn to knit, whatever it is, friends can often help motivate us and make this journey more fun.

Above all, remember: this is more about the journey than the ending. If you don't read 1 book every month this year, but you read 10 and that's significant to you, then that's great! You still did an amazing job and deserve to be congratulated simply for making the effort and doing your best.

Tip #5: Reflect! Figure out what went well, what didn't go so well, why, and what you should change for the next year. For example, if I wasn't able to read all 12 of my books this year because I got overwhelmed by school, then I need to figure out how I can prioritize and organize myself differently so that I still have time for myself to work on my goals, in this case reading. Or maybe the books weren't engaging enough; then maybe next year, instead of randomly picking books, I'll do more research and pick out ones that seem along my lines of interest.

You should also be reflecting all along the way! If a few months in, you realize you're not doing a good job at achieving your goals, don't just continue to struggle; instead, reflect on what's not working. Figure out how you can solve it, or if solving the issue isn't worth your time and you'd rather prioritize other goals. Although I would suggest trying to find a solution first, sometimes goals aren't as achievable or as helpful as we'd thought, and that's ok. We learn from that experience for the next time we create goals.

Lastly, we wanted to outline some of the goals we have for Carna this year. As stated in tip #1, it's a lot easier to build motivation for your goals when you tell other people about them. So this is us telling you guys about our goals for 2023!!:

  1. Post (a post, reel, or story) twice a day on Instagram, Tiktok, and Snapchat

  2. At least 1,000 followers on Insta and Tiktok by the end of the year

  3. Re-model the look of our socials, website, and products

  4. Add new products (hehehe, we're very excited about these, we're being vague with this goal for the sake of secrecy)

  5. At least 5 collaborations with other organizations

Thank you so much for reading! If you'd like to print out this info packet, the easiest way is to print this google doc! FYI: It doesn't have all the links and related info that are on the online versions:


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